December 2015 Newsletter

13 December 2015

Welcome to the DHSC December Newsletter.

The Christmas party:

The Christmas party on the 28th of November was a good night enjoyed by all those who attended with excellent music by Gregory, many thanks to Gregory.

Thanks to Tommy and Niamh Power and Austin for all the repainting of the men’s and ladies toilets and showers in the run up to the Christmas party.

Thanks to Mary and Tommy Power for the catering for the party and to those members who brought desserts.

Children’s Santa Party:

Santa is going to visit the clubhouse on Sunday the 20th of December at 6p.m. Usual present arrangements apply. Members and members friends most welcome.

External Sign on the Clubhouse:

A new sign was recently fitted to the exterior of the clubhouse under the bay window, the carved reliefs on each side represent the dinghy and cruising sections of the club.

Visitors to the town can now identify the clubhouse location.

Adult Sailing:

With a view to getting more adults sailing the club has acquired a Petrel dinghy. It is proposed to have this dinghy available during  2016 to provide beginner sailing lessons to adults in a stable boat. It is further envisioned that the lessons will be provided by one of our own ISA qualified instructors. More details on this in the New Year.

The Clubhouse:

The clubhouse will be open as usual over the Christmas period.

The Committee wishes all member’s and their families a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.


Andrew Miller