June 2016 Newsletter

Welcome to the June newsletter.

Junior sailing courses:

The Junior sailing courses commence on the 4th of July, there will be three sets of two week courses providing ISA levels 1-4. Contact Sandra if you wish to book a place.

Many thanks to Ms. Sandra Wynne for all the work she has put into organising the courses.

The red safety boats will be launched this weekend, many thanks to Edwin and his team in getting the boats ready.

The blessing of the boats:

Unfortunately this event had to be cancelled due to bad weather and will be organised later in the season.

Maritime College Visit:

The 29th of June is set for the visit to the Maritime college in Cork.

The bus will be departing the clubhouse at 1300hrs on this day, cost is €20.00/person, adults only on this trip, if you are interested in going please contact Mr Edwin Fay at 086 2503895 as soon as possible.

Photo Competition:

DHSC is having a photo competition, there will be a 1st,2nd and 3rd prize.

The competition will close on the 30th of September, so get those cameras out and start snapping your sailing adventures whether it be racing,cruising or just pottering about in boats.

Photos should be sent to the Secretary at [email protected].( please state your name and that the photo is for the competition.)

Each entrant can submit more than one photograph.

Photos should be sized at 1020×740 pixels.

Photos shall be relevant to the 2016 season.

If your photo includes persons other than yourself please have those persons permission to be included in your submission.

Photos will be posted in the gallery section of the website.

Photos will be adjudicated by a panel from the committee.

Prizes will be awarded prior to the AGM in October.

Other News:

The picture underneath is the Isle of Man to Liverpool fast ferry “Manannan” which is captained by Mr. Tommy Fitzgerald Jnr. of Ballinroad, Dungarvan. Tommy started sailing in Dungarvan with DHSC and has followed a career path on fishing vessels, cruise liners and ferries. Tommy now holds a Captains ticket and a pilots licence for ships entering and leaving Liverpool Port. Well Done Tommy.

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Lady Belle doing her bit for the “I’m in” Brexit referendum in Tobermory on the Isle of Mull.

That’s all for this month, if members are more active I will have more to write about so please go sailing.

Andrew Miller