November 2018 Newsletter

5 November 2018

Welcome members and visitors.

The Annual General Meeting of DHSC was held on the 19th of October in the clubhouse. There was an attendance of 30 persons comprising of members and clubhouse members.

The outgoing Commodore Mr. Maurice Brennock thanked the committee for their support over the year with special thanks to Ms. Sandra Wynne, Ms. Brid O’ Kennedy, Mr. Edwin Fay and Mr. Austin Flynn for managing the successful Junior Sailing courses during July and August.

The Treasurer reported that the club was in a good financial position after the year.

The membership subscriptions were set at €250 for family membership, €180 for a single membership and €75 for clubhouse membership.

The incoming committee members for 2019 were elected as follows:


Commodore: Mr. Kieran Donnelly.

Vice-Commodore: Mr. William Bumster.

Treasurer: Mr. Austin Flynn.

Secretary: Mr. Michael Whelan


Committee Members:

Mr. Maurice Brennock, Mr. Frank Shortall, Ms. Mary Flynn, Ms. Brid Kennedy, Mr. Edwin Fay, Mr. John Connolly, Mr. Declan Walsh, Mr. Kieran Moynihan,


Memberships are due from the 1st of November with existing members in good standing until the 1st of April 2019.

Memberships are payable on line, by cheque or in the clubhouse at weekends.

Memberships paid on line are difficult to track and confirm if the payees do not put the correct information in the correct boxes, therefore the Treasurer requests that you email or text him once you have paid your membership to confirm same, Thank you.

DHSC bank details:

Account Name: Dungarvan Harbour Sailing Club, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.

BIC: AIBKIE2D                                  IBAN: IE60 AIBK 9340 7010 0413 04

Boat lifts:

The October boat lifts went smoothly with 14 boats being lifted on each Saturday. Well done to all in the crane team and traffic management team with special thanks to Ms. Mary Flynn for providing soup and rolls which were very much appreciated at the end of both days.

Junior Courses:

A new program for junior sailing courses will be launched in the New Year.

Friday night sailing and new members:

New members are always welcome to the club and to facilitate this initiative a draft program of Friday night sailing is posted on the website homepage under “sailing information>adult sailing”. It is envisaged that boat owners will bring new members sailing and show them the ropes.


The water supply to the pontoon has been isolated for the winter and the piping and fittings drained to prevent a repeat of the frost damage and leaks which occurred last winter. Many thanks to Mr. Donal Walsh for carrying out the repairs last year and draining the system this year.

 Communication to Members:            

Communication to members is mostly by texts, emails and by posting information on the website, so please keep a weather eye on the website over the coming months.

Michael Whelan,

Honorary Secretary.




Dungarvan Harbour Sailing Club

Dates for your notice board/fridge door.


The children’s Christmas party:  date to be finalised

Andrew Miller