November Newsletter

The Annual General Meeting of DHSC was held at the clubhouse on 12th October last. The incoming Committee Members were elected as follows:

Commodore: Mr Kieran Donnelly
Vice-Commodore: Ms Theresa Hennessy
Treasurer: Mr Oliver Clancy
Secretary: Mrs Joey Miller

Committee Members
Mr Geoff Palmer, Ms Mary Flynn, Mr Austin Flynn, Ms Bríd O’Kennedy, Mr Aidan Hallahan, Mr Edwin Fay, Mr John Connolly, Mr Ciaran Geoghegan, Mr William Bumster

Christmas Party
Tickets for the Christmas Party on Friday 29th November are now sold out. Those who missed out are welcome to join us on the night after 9pm for music and dancing, €5 on the door.
We hope to see you there!

Children’s Party and Santa
Santa will visit the Clubhouse on Sunday 15th December, we look forward to seeing our youngest members there – email [email protected] or call 086 8964202 to register your interest and receive further details – shhhh!

Friday Night Events
Four Friday Night Events will be held in January / February details to follow on the website.

The Membership Subscriptions were set at €250 for family membership, €180 for a single membership and €75 for clubhouse membership.

Memberships are due from 1st November and are payable online or in the clubhouse at weekends.

When paying online, please ensure the correct information is provided.
It is requested that you email the Treasurer to confirm payment to facilitate tracking online.

DHSC bank details:
Account Name: Dungarvan Harbour Sailing Club, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
IBAN: IE60 AIBK 9340 7010 0413 04

Communication will mostly be by text and email, with updates being posted on the club website, so please ensure your contact details are up to date. Email any new details to the Club Secretary at [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you all at the clubhouse over the festive season!

Andrew Miller