Summer Newsletter

We were delighted to see the boats launched last Saturday 31st May in glorious sunshine, marking the start of summer here in Dungarvan.

photos by allthatcanbe productions (John Bermingham AIPF)

The Start of Activities

We are looking forward to the resumption of activities, with some restrictions in place to adhere to Covid-19 guidelines.

Revised dates will be set for the Junior Sailing Courses, beginning with Levels 2 and 3 in early July and followed by levels 1&4.

The Pontoon is open for socially distancing members. There is a charge of €5 for the first two days and €10 for each subsequent day – Fees are now payable on the website here, making it easier than ever to enjoy your boat!

We’re looking forward to seeing you on the water, sure where else would you be when there’s nowhere else to go?!

photo by allthatcanbe photography

photo by allthatcanbe productions (John Bermingham AIPF)

The peak season has passed for our Club this year with the paring down of courses and events during the summer and the closure of the Clubhouse. We are very grateful for the continued support of our members to keep our Club above water. Any outstanding dues would be greatly appreciated and can be paid here.

Andrew Miller