Dungarvan Harbour Sailing Club Pre-season Programme

Power Boat Course

We intend to run the Introduction to Powerboating and the National Powerboat Certificate courses with a qualified instructor – Please contact me at [email protected] with expression of interest, we will need an idea of numbers to confirm the course. 

Get to know your Engine Evening

Preventative maintenance prevents most engine problems – we invite you to join us for a look at basic maintenance and troubleshooting of diesel and outboard engines on Friday 3rd March @ 7.30. The bar will be open afterwards for socialising/ sharing of engine-disaster stories.

Navigation Sessions

Our Informative Social evenings will continue on Fridays with basic navigation, theory and practical skills over three evenings (10th & 31st March, 14th April @7.30pm). As before, the bar will be open afterwards.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

DHSC are planning on participating in this year’s St Patrick’s Day parade. If you have any young sailors who are interested in representing the club please get in contact.

Sunday Sailing

It’s Springtime, and that can only mean one thing – Sunday Sailors will be back in action soon! We don’t have an exact start date as yet, as work stilll has to be carried out on the dinghy park, but it shouldn’t be too long. Please get in touch if you are interested in Sunday Dinghy Sailing and are not already on the list.


A reminder to all members that subscriptions are due and can be paid here.
Thanks to all who have paid already. The rates remain the same as last year and are:
Family: €280
Single: €210
Clubhouse: €80


As requested at our AGM, general short communications are now by WhatsApp. This is one-way communication and only admins can post. If you are not receiving these messages and would like to, please let me know.

Andrew Miller