DHSC AGM and Christmas Party

Dear Members,

It’s that time of year again, the season is done and we’re looking forward to the Christmas Party – we have a great event planned for you this year!

The Christmas party is organised for Saturday 9th December

Dinner at 7.30pm

Music and dancing with The Relics

Tickets are limited!Get your Christmas Party tickets here!

DHSC AGM Report 2023

We had a fantastic turnout at this year’s AGM and were delighted to have so many strong candidates for the committee.

Commodore’s Report

  • We are looking back on a great year in the Clubhouse including the Christmas party, junior sailing parties, the clubhouse opening anniversary, celebrating Austin Flynn’s 40 years service to the RNLI, the blessing of the boats which was a great night, thanks to Johnny and Michael Daly for organising the BBQ. Thanks to Siobhán Mary and Petra for their work in the Clubhouse
  • Members were busy travelling this year, four boats went abroad with around 15 club members, Lioness, Sipadan, Lady Belle and Pivot, while seven boats went on the annual cruise in company
  • Thanks to Martin, Alex, Ciaran for running the racing season and all boats in the harbour are really encouraged to join in the racing next year – it is a great excuse to get out on the water!
  • Junior sailing was again very successful and wouldn’t happen without Bríd, Séamus and Martin, who also ran a very successful dinghy regatta
  • Thank you to the sub committees who are busy working away in the background. Thanks to Donal Walsh, Ciaran Geoghegan and John Moloney and the Harbour Committee. Thanks to James Keneally and the Pontoon Committee. Lots of people come back to Dungarvan and James is the first to meet them at the pontoon.Thanks to Aidan Hallahan also for his work on the pontoon.
  • The pontoon was very busy this year. Visitors leave notes and also write on their blogs about Dungarvan and speak very highly of their visits here.
  • Thanks to Theresa Hennessy for her contribution as commodore and she especially made a difference with the social side of things at the club
  • The dinghy park was resurfaced and has had a new storage unit installed. John M. And Austin chopped up all the boats and Kieran Moynihan took everything to the dump. There may have to be rules and storage charges
  • The club bought two new boats this year and two new engines
  • A sub committee is working on constitution changes and in the next few weeeks there will be an EGM to ratify the changes

Treasurer’s Report

  • The accounts reflect the positive year, there has been a significant improvement in the bar
  • Membership has increased by about 10
  • The bar is subsidised by the other parts of the club especially the sailing school
  • Fees were increased by €10 on each subscription 

Harbour Development Report

  • The sub committee put together a presentation on the condition of the pontoon at low water . John M. Met with County CEO – it is not a priority for the council
  • Next year is an election year so we should lobby for this to be made a priority
  • The biggest issue is the environmental agency. Ideally we will get a license to dump at sea this takes about two years


Many thanks to the outgoing Committee for their dedication and work, and welcome to the new members.

Commodore – John Connolly

Vice Commodore – Austin Flynn

Treasurer – Oliver Clancy

Secretary – Joey Miller

Elected committee members

  • Brid O’Kennedy
  • Martin Landers
  • Ciaran Geoghegan
  • Gareth Higgins
  • Peter Burke
  • Brian Dempsey
  • Michael Whelan
  • John Moloney 

Sunday Sailing

Sunday Sailing will continue as long as the weather allows, so we encourage all who are interested to keep coming!

Membership Subs are due

As mentioned in the AGM report, membership has increased by €10 per category.

Fees are as follows:

Single membership: €220

Family membership: €290

Clubhouse membership €90

Pay your membership online here

Looking forward to seeing you at the Clubhouse!

Joey Miller
