Cara na Mara
After our hugely successful Cara na Mara course for children aged 6-9yrs last year, we are getting the team back together and running our level 2 Seals course and level 1 Otters in the last week of June.
Places are limited for enjoyment and safety. Sign up here:

Adult Sailing
Following on from the huge demand for adult dinghy sailing last year, we are delighted to be able to offer an ISA accredited level 1 course this year.
the course will run over two full days:
Saturday 18th May (10am-3pm) & Saturday 25th May (2pm-7pm)
Cost €150
Spaces are limited, you can sign up here

Junior Sailing
Junior sailing courses will run from 1st July this year, and we are excited to welcome back our last year’s sailors and some new students to the water too.