Lady Belle Westport to Tory Island

15 Jul 2024

Leaving Westport by the well marked channel on the 4th July, LB…...

Clare Morrissey

DHSC Member

Leaving Westport by the well marked channel on the 4th July, LB had a 25nm close reach to Achill Head passing between Achillbeg and the north side of Clare Island. The cliffs around Achill Head are stunning from the sea.

In the Irish Cruising Club sailing directions, editor Norman Kean writes that the magnificent spectacle of the Achill cliffs may compensate for any discomfort as the sea state is almost always lumpy and confused!

Sails were eased at the Head as the forecasted west to south west winds were now blowing and soon would be back again to the north west. With Blacksod to starboard and Black Rock lighthouse to port LB kept inside the Inishkea island’s to shelter from the Atlantic swell.

Once at Erris Head our destination Broadhaven Bay was just a few miles away, a distance of 50nm from Westport. There are 3 well maintained visitors moorings at Ballyglass in Broadhaven Bay though rarely without some swell.

Many of the visitors moorings around the coast may not have been serviced since 2020 and Sail Ireland advise not to rely on them.

Weather was good the next morning for a passage across Donegal Bay and the sea was looking fairly calm now that we were leaving the west coast behind. We were happy to have a NW 4-6 for the 60 nm to Arranmore Island. It would be a few more miles to Burtonport if the mooring areas on Arranmore were not calm. They didn’t look good despite being sheltered from the north west so it was on up the narrow well marked Rutland channel to Burtonport.

This is a very interesting channel but little room when the Arranmore Island ferry’s pass . There are one off houses on the small rocky islands in the channel all with their own jetties and ribs are their preferred mode of transport to Burtonport.

LB tied up alongside a trawler and the Lobster Pot nearby was very welcome after a long day.

Zoom in to see LB at Burtonport pier.

Next morning, 8th July, LB headed for Tory Island a short 20nm away. Mt Errigal & the Donegal Mountains were very impressive to starboard. It was our first summer day in weeks and with a good breeze. Bloody Foreland was on the route and gets its name from the red hue of the rocks at sunset.

Arriving early afternoon into the small harbour, a tin whistle was playing as we tied up to the pier wall. It was my first time stopping at Tory which is a small island with beautiful views of the Donegal Mountains across the Sound.

Lady Belle alongside the pier at Tory Island.

Clare Morrissey