After a hearty English breakfast, we got ready for our final leg to Dungarvan. The forecast showed initial light NE winds followed by a lull and a later shift to moderate SW, which was ideal. We tried sailing for a few hours but without much progress so we motored for 4 to 5 hours waiting for the wind.
As predicted the wind shift came on schedule and soon conditions were ideal, sailing along at 7 knots in bright sunshine. We saw jumping bluefin tuna followed by a a large pod of dolphins on our bow. Once evening came, we heaved to ,which is a manoeuvre where you deliberately turn head to wind, back the sails and then fix the tiller to turn back to the wind, which fixes the boat in position allowing the crew to have a restout at sea. We then had a very civilised mea cooked by Fintan , complete withred wine in proper wine glasses, with plates and cutlery, 50nm from the nearest land and 30nm from the nearest vessel! Very exclusive!
We had only lost 0.6nm over dinner and we were soon underway again. As the sun went down we found our way lit by a beautiful waxing gibbous moon. Once the moon went down, there was a green glow in the sky ahead due to the aurora borealis, otherwise known as the northern lights. Once this faded we could see the glow of the lights of Cork City from more than 25nm out to sea!
The next morning we saw the familiar sight of Cruachán and the Comeragh Mountains , which were visible from more than 25 miles out to sea. To starboard we could clearly see the Saltee Islands, more than 30 miles distant. We turned the corner at Helvic Head to be greeted by Kieran Donnelly in his boat and then were hailed by Martin Landers on Channel 16, and given a sail escort as we crept up the channel at just after low water.
We hovered in place at the deep pool off the Cunnigar for a little while rather than embarrass ourselves by running aground so close to home. We then approached the harbour to be greeted by family and friends waving flags and balloons to welcome us home. I joked to Alain that this happened every time I came back from holiday!
All in all, it was a fantastic welcome back to the arms of a wonderful town. I felt proud to call Dungarvan home and our return to Sipadan’s home part put our voyage into perspective. To quote Tolkien, ‘There, and back again’.