AGM and Christmas Party

8 November 2024

Now the AGM is done with, it’s time to move on to the more serious matter of the DHSC Christmas Party…

DHSC Christmas Party

We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Party!

Saturday 7th December
Doors @ 7pm
Food @ 7.30pm

Music: The Relics
Cost: €25

Get your tickets here!


Dear members Mary Beresford and Brian O’Carroll were remembered with a minute’s silence.

A summary of the year’s activity

The Club Constitution was modernised and ratified at an EGM. 

Many sailing and social events took place: Christmas party, kids party, Winter evening talks and workshops, Women on the Water, Cruise in Company to Kinsale, Blessing of the Boats, Junior Sailing, Adult Sailing, junior Regatta, Summer Racing season, Sunday Sailing.

Thanks to Bríd O’Kennedy and Séamus O’Sullivan for all their work with the junior and adult sailing.

Thanks to Ciaran Geoghegan, Alex Ballot and Martin Landers for their work on the racing season.

The Club has updated the bar equipment and installed solar panels on the roof in an effort to reduce electricity bills and future proof our club.

Subscriptions for the 2024/2025 season are to remain the same and can be paid at the link below:

DHSC Membership Renewal
